希捷(Seagate)近日新闻稿中表示已经开始向云数据中心客户,交付 30TB 以上容量热辅助磁记录技术(HAMR)硬盘。希捷首席执行官戴夫・莫斯利(Dave Mosley)表示上周已向合作伙伴交付首批 30TB 以上大容量硬盘合格样品。
「希捷开始交付 30TB 以上大容量 HAMR 硬盘:https://m0fa.com/30」外媒消息:Seagate Ships First 30TB+ HAMR Hard Drives
Seagate this week said that it began shipments of its 30+ terabyte hard drives based on its heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) technology to one of its cloud datacenters clients. The drives are final qualification samples, but the company is on track to recognize revenue from sales of its HAMR-based Corvault systems in the coming weeks.
"We are tracking well to our stated plans and achieved the key milestone last week of shipping initial qualification units to a cloud launch partner, and we expect to recognize initial revenue from 30TB+ platforms this quarter as part of our Corvault system solutions," said Dave Mosley, chief executive of Seagate, at the earnings call with analysts and investors earlier this week (via SeekingAlpha).
「希捷开始交付 30TB 以上大容量 HAMR 硬盘:https://m0fa.com/30」Recognizing revenue means that actual hardware — Corvault storage systems based on 30TB+ HAMR HDDs — has already been tested by Seagate, purchased, shipped, and is now being qualified by (a) Seagate customer(s). As soon as qualification is finished, Seagate will recognize the money it received as revenue.
更多相关新闻:Seagate Confirms 30TB+ HAMR HDDs in Q3, Envisions 50TB Drives in a Few Years
「希捷开始交付 30TB 以上大容量 HAMR 硬盘:https://m0fa.com/30」「希捷开始交付 30TB 以上大容量 HAMR 硬盘:https://m0fa.com/30」
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